
April 1, 2011

A couple of test prints showed up today, printed from Ka-Blam. The first time around they got lost in the mail, but Ka-Blam printed out another set and had them at my door two days later... not too bad. I had the print done to test the colors I am using, and to make sure everything looks OK when printed on paper. Overall everything looks really good. The paper stock is pretty light, but for $4.00 a print, it's a great deal. At the moment I just have enough to fill ten pages, so now I need to make some more comics.... some pictures below. Click to get a larger version.

The (very rough) cover.... just threw some words on the front. The jungle comic looks great, even blown up.

Pages 2 and 3... I need to lighten the colors next time around.

I experimented with some two page spreads. It works out pretty well. In the final comic I'd like to have
a couple big landscape shots of mountains, etc.

Five pages or so of the same color palate, but different contrast/brightness settings...
Not really happy with any of them so far.

February 5, 2011

Sorry for the lack of updates. However, now that things are not quite as busy, there should be more frequent comics. I have a couple drawn up already, just need to be scanned and colored.